Thursday, January 10, 2008

The last few days

Okay. So i was sick. Like really sick. Like go to the doctor and take drugs sick. I had to stay in my room for 3 days. I couldn't sleep too well 'cause my throat was swollen up so my day see sawed between trying to sleep and emailing... well that is until the internet went out at like 3am or something and stayed out until today (3days... the whole time i was in my room). That was a bummer. :'(
Buuuuttt, it gave me the idea to work on discovering the potential of my new macbook whom i have christened nicholas. So now i have a 15 minute (well, unfinished anyway) slideshow of EQUIP training pictures.
Oh! and on top of that, I'm gonna (prolly) be getting an LIT in the next week... who's got some serious issues, so i hear. So thaaaats interesting. But i'm just glad to be better. I never realized what a blessing it is to be able to swallow!
Aaaaanyway, Sometimes i just miss home. Sometimes a lot. I am up here on 13th with my cool friend and life is so good. So so good. And my dad said he wanted to have a long conversation with me sometime so that makes me really happy.

Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.
Phl 4:11

Lovin that verse.

Well, time for curfew. God keep you. I love you.

1 comment:

Kathryn's Photography said...


I am so sorry you got sick! I hate when I get sick! Yuck! But I am glad you are doing better now. Happy new Year!
