Saturday, January 19, 2008

To Collie

It well may be
That we will never meet again
In this lifetime
So let me say before we part
So much of me
Is made of what I learned from you
You'll be with me
Like a handprint on my heart
And now whatever way our stories end
I know you have re-written mine
By being my friend:
Like a ship blown from its mooring
By a wind off the sea
Like a seed dropped by a skybird
In a distant wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you:



Unknown said...

please pray for me. dear, I apologize for not writing. A lot has happened. I have felt God's presence, and run from Him. Yet He still brings me back. I love you. And I think a lot about you. I was reading your letters today. They make me so happy. I thank you, they lift me up and help me. I struggle with kind of what you did. I want to explain something to you. I love going here, you drive your car and if you can park you walk into paradise. A winding sidewalk leads through beauty and grandeur. You pass a coffee shop and good things. Many people pass you by. Canada is just a stone's throw away. Powdered sugar topped mountains display majesty with their crests. The sidewalk turns into a bridge. The shore on your left side and the bay on your right. Eventually, this bridge turns into another sidewalk. Not a street sidewalk. berry bushes are everywhere. And then another bridge. Gulls cry. Oh, it is so wonderful. Oh, I am going to Guatemala for a mission trip. I hope God prepares my heart. I am so rebellious against Him right now. And it is so stupid because He never did anything to me. How stupid. Sin is very present in my life and I just feel so dumb. I desire God then I don't. This makes me wonder what I really desire. Anyway, enough of my stupidness. How is Indiana? We are having game nights on Saturdays at my house. They are so much fun. I applied for a job. I am taking a history class. We are learning about the middle east and India. He is going to teach us Hebrew! Well, there is a lot of bad at our school. But I am still surrounded by good. God always provides!

Unknown said...

please pray for my mom. I hope you are well. Oh, youth group was good. I love you. God is awesome.

Unknown said...

please pray for my mom. I hope you are well. Oh, youth group was good. I love you. God is awesome.

Unknown said...

please pray for me. Today is not a good day. I had good days. Well, good times. But, a lot of the time I was having a hard time. g2g love you. I miss you. overall, I am doing better. But that is why it is harder. I am making satan disappointed. YEAH! He can go to ****, I hate him.

Unknown said...

please pray for me. I need help dying to myself. Really. So much sinful emotion that is hard to say no to. I need to keep my mind on the Kingdom. Ask our Shepherd for that. I love you. I think God is amazing.

Unknown said...

please pray for my mom. How are you? What have you been up to lately? Well, I have missed you.

Unknown said...

please pray for my mom. How are you me and nonni are sewing a skirt. She is here for a few days. Spring is coming. Tulips are blooming, grass is green. Oh, it is so nice. I went and saw some honey bees with pollen on their legs. I am having a hard time. I just need to stop making struggles. It is addicting. I struggle just for the sake of, well, I seem to think I need to all the time. I love you.